Monday, April 9, 2012

GOOGLE: Project Glass

What do you think are the positives and the negatives of PROJECT GLASS?? What do you think Google should consider before making these available to the public?

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Anonymous said...

Positives: You don't have to carry your phone around.
Negative: Could cause eye problems..

Anonymous said...

I think they are cool and should sell

Anonymous said...

one positave is that ou can leave your phone at home and a negative thing is that they look weird on your face see if people would buy them i think they should be like $350


Anonymous said...

i think they should make sure that when someone says to do something, its should say are you sure you want to do this or delete that. because it would prob make people made, and they should be sure that if u mumble it dosent do something without hearing what u said exactly.

Anonymous said...

Negative:everyone would hear your conversation with someone while wearing the glasses.

Positive: easier to use than a regular phone.


Anonymous said...

i think they should make sure that when someone says to do something, its should say are you sure you want to do this or delete that. because it would prob make people made, and they should be sure that if u mumble it dosent do something without hearing what u said exactly.

Anonymous said...

There are many positive things like just using your voice and not evening having to move to make a phone call. Some negatives are if they mess up your vision with glasses or it might be slow. They can improve it by adding more programs to the system.

Anonymous said...

I think they are awesome put probalby bad for your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Some positives of the glasses are that it is hands free and you can still see where you are going. Some negatives are that you would have to say private messages out loud and it might not be waterproof, so you would have to take them off anywhere with water.
Before releasing them, Google should make them waterproof.
-Annie J.

Anonymous said...

Positives: Show That We Have Newer Technologies; It Makes It Alot Eaisier To Do Things
Negatives: Might easily break; Expensive


Anonymous said...

ke alot of money also alot of people will love it!!!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

I think that this is better than having a phone but you could run into something or get distracted.

Anonymous said...

what if you have to wear glasses and can't wear contexs. what if you are walking down the street and a video chat pop's up and you are paing attetion to it and crass into someone

Anonymous said...

the one thing that might be a nigtive is if you have to where glasses? the positive is if you whant to text some thing you can just speak.

Anonymous said...

positive:its prety much an iphone but just a google makes it and i like how you can reply by talking into the mic. you can also listen to music and let people see what you are seing.
negative: these are most likley going to be very expensive and might be bad for your eyes.

Anonymous said...

It is good because it has lots useful up to date updates
It might be bad because they might distract people from where they are going

Anonymous said...

One thing that google might run into is with how hi tech this is they another thing is even though it can crash easily you don't have to carry around a smart phone instead you can just wear a glasses like invetion. J.C.

Anonymous said...

what good things would come of it? well, you could do more than one thing at a time. another good thing is in case of an emergancy, you would't have to go digging for your phone. some bad things are if you wear glasses, you couldnt wear them unless you got contacts, but some people cant have contacts. one last thing that is bad is people could hide them and use them for bad things like recording in the locker rooms, or texting in class.

Anonymous said...

The glasses need to be like sun glasses and need to work better than computers and they need to be fast.
Like lightning!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I think that the new project is a very good idea. Google may want to consider that it may distract people on the street and cause accidents from people not paying attention to their pathway and focusing on the screen. A positive about this is that it is easier to respond to and from people instead of looking down at the screen. It is also good that it is voice activated.

Anonymous said...

i think they are very interesting, it seems that tey look like at a afordable price. but like i think i might have some trouble trying to text to people.

Anonymous said...

I think the glasses should sell out in the first couple of days!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I think they need to be more clear on how the product works

Anonymous said...

Pros: Don't have to carry anything around
Cons: They need to think of a way to click on the icons

Anonymous said...

Positive: It can give you directions very easily.
Negative: You might not be able to see something well because of everything thats in your way.

Anonymous said...

positive: It could help alot, with directions, calling people, internet,etc.

negative: It WILL cost allloootttt of money, so if it falls of your face, your out of luck.

Anonymous said...

Apositive is that you don't have to carry a tablet or phone around. A negative is it might be very expensive and not everyone is able to use it because of their eyes.

Anonymous said...

Negative if you were doing something you could not see were you were walking.
Positive you can get time to go somewhere and it can show you anywhere to go.

Anonymous said...

positive: you would not have to carry a map,or your phone or anything.

negative: it could cause eye problems

Anonymous said...

this thing will be like 1000$
but it is cool

Anonymous said...

positives: easier to do stuff

Negatives: could mess up your eyesight and look weird

Anonymous said...

it is s very helpful device that can do a lot of things but if you are using it it would probably be hard to see out of.


Anonymous said...

Positive: Don't have to carry phone around and a negative is that they would look weird on your face.............

Anonymous said...

They should think of some way that nothing but the GPS would work when you are driving, because it would create lots of crashes and accidents.


Anonymous said...

Positive: It would be easier to use than a phone.
Negatives: It might be all we do, like we won't go outside and get exercise. It would be very distracting.


Anonymous said...

their are cool and awsome a postive is you don't need to use a hand

Anonymous said...

a positve to the glasses wold b that ou could carry our phone around, without actaull carryign our phone around, if ou catch my drift a negative would be it looks reall dumb. really dumb

Anonymous said...

negative: Going to be very expensive and looks complicated on what it can do.
POsitive: replaces your phone and easy to carry

Anonymous said...

if ur walking across a street and a message pops up and u get hit by a cars
they would be a lot of money
they probably break easily
to complicated

Anonymous said...

Anonymous sad.....

a good thing about the glasses are the glasses are voice commanded

a bd thing is it might be a lie


Anonymous said...

Positives: As I ponder over this situation I wonder, Are these really safe? Well I sure think they are safer than a phone, because at least you have your eyes on where your walking or driving. It has a great system, but, a negative of it is that it would make people either lazier or heaslthier. The odds right now lean to laziness.

Anonymous said...

positive: easier to use then a phone or laptop
negative: what about people who wear glasses

in the future google will come out with glasses like these excpet with a touch screen hologram


Anonymous said...

Positives:Hands free phone! Awesome glasses! Some other cool thing!
Negatives: Awkward if conversation is overheard

To all who read this: Stay Weird


Anonymous said...

positives: could make life easier
negative: would never really see other people in real life
but more positives

Anonymous said...

Positives:Your hands can be free while driving, or working!;)

Negatives:It would be hard to set up some stuff as in contacts etc...

Anonymous said...

positive its way eaiser to use

negitive people could here your conversation

Anonymous said...

Positive: You can basically have you're phone right in front of you all the time.

Negative: You could get hit by cars or trucks and get hurt or killed.

Anonymous said...

i think the glasses are great beacause you can say what you want to your friend and it will be a text. the negative is that how much would they cost.....????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

Positive: You would get to things easier without getting lost.

Negative: It will probably be like the iPhone or iPad. There will always be a new and better one so there is no point in buying the first one. Plus, it will be SUPER EXPENSIVE!

-Ally :)

Anonymous said...

Do a lot of things at once while still seeing the outside world!!!

Could cause brain damage or maybe some sort of cancer!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Positive: They really cool and are easier than carrying a laptop or a cell phone around.
Negative: People can hear what you're saying.


Anonymous said...

these glasses look awesome. i want a pair. please dont be too expensive