App Store.....
Sent a letter to the owner of Hewlett-Packard in high school asking him for some computer parts. Got a summer job there the next summer. Worked at a video game company called Atari. Never finished college. Started Apple Computers, a $351 million dollar company in a garage with money loaned from his parents. His salary was only $1 a year. You may not have known Steve Jobs, but you know his products. How has Steve Jobs affected your life? Or shall I say his products?
he affected my life because without his products i wouldnt have songs on my ipod without itunes, and i wouldnt even have an ipod touch so he made a big impact on peoples lives
steve jobs was a very helpful man if he was not born we wouldnt have computers now and would not be ableto have music on our phones and woukd not have i phones and i pads and imacs and ipods at all he changed people lives when he invited all on these stuff witch was all touch screen i pods and i pad also imacs
i wouldent have my ipod and that would stink because when i am skateboarding i lave to lisin to that because it helps me skate better .....also i like it when i am in art and the teacher says that i can lisin to it and that helps me do my art work :) :) :) :) ooooo ya
i wouldent have my ipod and that would stink because when i am skateboarding i lave to lisin to that because it helps me skate better .....also i like it when i am in art and the teacher says that i can lisin to it and that helps me do my art work :) :) :) :) ooooo ya
i wouldn't have my portible music to listen to outside and it wouldn't be very eazy without itunes to find my music i want for my ipod.
He was aaaawwwwweeeesssoooommmee
he was pretty beast and i like the stuff he made
Steve jobs was AWESOME(:. I mean he didn't really effect my life that much but it woud my dad's because he has a bunch of that stuff . RIP Steve Jobs :'(
He affected me by i wouldnt have any songs on my itunes account and i wouldnt have any way to listen to muisc and my dad would not have his ipad for work.
he is aawweessoommee!!!!! :]
he's so beast he made smart phones and apps he so EPIC i dont have a phone but i know how cool they areand my sister has an iphone anyway they are so cool
he was a good man and if he never invted the App store I would prodle have no firends.
by reese
I am so sorry because his is the man about everything . he is the big inventer about ,smartphones iphones , computers , and everything apple . lets just say we wish he could still be here
steve jobs have changed my life because he is the inventor of smartphones and my itouch and we should honor what he did for us.
without steve jobs i wound't be able to listen to music on the computer or i woundn't have ipod touch to this day by:Marshmallow
without his products my life would be miserable. Also i would not be listening to music everday.
if he didnt invent any thing i would not be on the lap top, thank you
he affected my life because i wouldn't be able to listen to songs on my ipod touch or play games and by apps.
i feel sorry for steve because he is the man . he invented apple and computers . i feel sorry for steve. he should rest in peast for ever and ever because HE IS THE MAN
im so sorry because he had canser and if his mom wouldnt of have him there wouldnt be smart phones soryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
i am very sorry steve jobs has past because of him i have a phone and ipods thanks steve jobs. rip steve jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve Jobs barely affected my life bsides me having an iPod shuffle i dont have any pother apple products ~ Anonymous/ QQ
steve jobs inventens change the technology face and technology around the world
steve jobs was an amazing man and help the world in a very large amount. it would be amazing to have any relatives to follow in his foot steps..
He affected my life becsuse without his products I wouldn't have all of the technology we have right now.
Steve Jobs products affected my life because if it werent for him i wouldnt have an apple ipod,computer ect.. to make our to make our lives better by using his products.
i wouldnt have anything to do when i got home from school and there wouldnt be any minecraft :)... thanks, steve jobs
he changed my life by now that if i need to know something i get on the computer and chech it and check standings and facebook nhl mlb and ect and on dec 38 when i get my iphone it will affect me evan more he changed th world
steve jobs made the way phones are today
He Was Beast
R.I.P :( bwahhaahhaa
He affected my life with all of the obvious things he made. I personally own and Iod touch 4g. Steve and the company he founded made that possible, the programs such as itunes possible. I use my ipod every day and it truly has revolutionized how we all use things and other stuff is based after him Even shows such as south park include his products. In the words of man bear pig: he lived a full great life and i hope he lives on in peace!!!
Steve affected my life beause i had an atari Jaguar as a kid and played it alot. Once I heard Steve had made apple products, i tried them. I thought they were awesome, and made me relizes that atari wasn't so good compared to other things, so I got into nitendo and xbox, and may I say Atari, looking back, your terible copared to the compotition. Thank You Steve Jobs
steve jobs created the system for mine craft
Steve Jobs and his products affected my life because if he hadn't started the products he made, no one would have probably have smart phones or ipod or any touch screen tablets. Without him, the world would have been a lot different.
He allowed me to get music on my ipod and I wouldn't be typing right now. Forever live
he was totally coooooool
Steve jobs has affected my life because all i do is listen to music
this guy was a beast and he diserved a longer life he also was sensible because he made so much he only wanted 1 dollar a year he also affected my life because i used a lot of things he made
this guy was a beast and he diserved a longer life he also was sensible because he made so much he only wanted 1 dollar a year he also affected my life because i used a lot of things he made
His products has affected my life by when we take a vacation i have stuff to do in the car like playing the apps on my iphone so im not bored.
if it werent for steve jobs none of us would have of hand held devices (HHD)
It a ffected my life because with out his invention of the labtop, Iphone, and Ipod etc... I wouldnt be on this labtop right now if it wasnt for him. I wouldnt have my smart phone. Finally, he was a good role model for doing something you beleive in.
he affected our life because he created technoligy that helps people with everyday tasks that we couldn't do with out his technoligy,.
hes cool $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
he was helpful because he wouldnt create all these things for us
I really didnt know Steve Jobs before he died. Actually i didnt even heard of him. He affected my life by when im at home listinign to my ipod when im doing my homework i have to have it it makes me groovy
steve jobs affected many of our lives by inventing the iphone and apple products thanks Steve Jobs.
he affected my life by giving us pretty much everthing we would not be able to do anything without his stuff in the old days we had to go around and find people who knew what they were doing to find stuff out now we just look it up on the computer and there its there he also afeected your life by giving us stuff to do in our free time like ipods and ipads THANKYOU STEVE also he made us somethinhg we could stride for like bettering technology for humanss YAY STEVE I LOVE YOU GO MOOSES
was cool
He affected my life because i love to listen to my music, which i cant do without itunes, or my ipod touch. I hope that he Rests in peace <3 <3 <3
he helped me with my everyday life sadly this icon had to die :(
he affect my life by making cool stuff like ipods, iphones, ipads i have two of each of those he is the coolest
he affect my life by making cool stuff like ipods, iphones, ipads i have two of each of those he is the coolest
He affected my life because i won't have any connection with my friends or family. Also when ever i get mad or sad i usally lisen to music because it calms me down if it wasn't for him i woundn't have anything like this.
Thanks :)
the different things he has made made a big impact on my life b making it better.if i didn't have an ipod i would be bored more often than usual.
he affected my life because i would be board to death because i couldent play anything with the ipod
Steve Jobs was awesome! Without him I would have never bought an iTouch or have had iTunes. This man has made an impact on all of us and this new generation. I wish I could say "thank you," but it's too late. I know six feet under you are giving "welcomes" to the enitire world. I know you will never see this but I wanted to say thank you. Everyone will miss you. R.I.P. Steve Jobs, best person ever.
Without Steve Jobs many people wouldn't have jobs. He was a genius to me because he figured out how to make a controlled individual device. I wouldn't be able to stay ahead of the weather coming in, and check if we had snow days. Steve Jobs was a GENIUS!
He elped my life with his amazing eletroncs. Now i learn things easier..
he has effected my life because i use my ipod touch all the time and every song i've bought was with an itunes card if it hadent come out i wouldnt have all these songs to lisent to
He was an amazing guy and it is very sad that he died. He affected my live because if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have ipods, computers, iphones, itunes etc.
and some of these things we use for school for example computers. Also we wouldn't to be ale to talk or tex are friends as much.
His Products rule cause i camn play games and listen to music on my ipod
I'm very disapointed that Steve passed away. He has afected my life in so many ways. I will always remember him.
Steve has effected my life because I wouldnt have an ipod, or and ipod touch, and my mom wouldnt have an iphone. I also wounldnt have music to listin to because i love my music and my games on my itouch. I think he deserved more than 1$ a year because he sold and created lots of great items. My Little ister wants and itouch so he inspired lots of children. I am in love with my itouch, i love to play angry birds and its a fun thing to keep you occupated (i think i spelt that wrong)!!!
I feel so bad
R.I.P Steve
this guy has effected my life cauze no one would have i pods or stuff like that said jeremiyah oh yeah and nathan im watching u also said jeremiyah
steve jobs was a important part of technolagy and he affected my life by making my ipod and my iphone and without all that technolagy he created the ideas of itunes imac iphone and the mp3's he also created the lap top
steve jobs was very imortant if he didnt do what he did i wouldnt hsve my smart phone that i have now and i cant live basically without ,y phone so i thank him for what he did . if the things he did didnt exsist everything would be slower and harder.
We have lived are whole life with this tech. So i would say yes he has affected are life. I could like no live with out my ipod, itunes, and laptop.!
Steve and his products have affected my life because if he didnt create the computer it wouldnt be the 2000's. Everything would just be the same. So thanks for steve!
he has affected my life because then i wouldnt have played angry birds :I
i like the ipad 2 the best because we can put so many songs and movies and ther stuff like that
he affected my life by letting me do what i want on the i pod,#13
He affected my life because with out him I wouldnt most likely have my smart phone, iPod, or laptop. With out my iPod I dont know if I could live... I LOVE my iPod and iTunes, R.I.P steve jobs, thank you!! -9
he effected me a lot cause i have a mac computer and an ipid touch n i love them and id die with out them and now he wont be able to invent anything else cool. #11
he affected my life because I own an ipod and I use itunes.
He was a very smart man and beleived if you could think it you could make it. It's not sasd that he died but i do have a ipod so wooooooooooooooooo thx for your inventions R.I.P
Steve JObs was a man with many ideas and he mad a big impact with out electrionics and if it wasnt for him we woodnt have the things he made for a long time.
He has affected my life because he helped technolagy go here and beyond
he affected my life because he he didnt invent anything i wouldnt have my ipod or itunes and i love that thing, alot. number ten!!
He has affected my life because he helped technolagy go here and beyond
steve jobs has done many good and bad things. he created apple, which manufactured the iphone, the first smart phone. he has given us the ability to have maps, games , and anything else you may need on a small device. but, by doing so, he has started the world down the path to being fully technology dependant. because of steve jobs, i belive that eventualy we will get to the point where we are being transported in hover chairs all day and we'll all be fat and unable to walk llike in wall-e. Steve has done great things, but has started us down the road to something bad. #8
He made alot of diffrences with technology and pads and ipods and stuff
He afected my life because without he made the ipod touch and that has gave me lot's of entertainment.
If Steve Jobs didnt make the ipod, itunes, ipad, iphones we wouldnt have more sucessful technology. Steve Jobs has helped us have more high tech computers and phones. he was really helful to because now instead of going on your comouter you can just look it up on your ipad or ipod.
so we can look up things like for your work if you forgot your paper or somthing and for typing a letter or somthing like that.
if he didnt make apple products, barely anybody in my family would have a phone. i wouldnt hav an ipod nano, and my cousin wouldnt have her ipod. we also wouldnt have ipod, ipads, iphomes, icomputers, or itvs. we wouldnt have any of this if it werent for him. plus, we couldnt have pixar movies like toy story, finding nemo, and other pixar movies. so, thanks Steve, and R.I.P.
He was the person who allowed me to sit and play iPod and X-Box
steve jobs has affected my life because I have a ipod and i go on itunes.
i donnot own anything he produced but he may effect other peoples lves but not mine
He affected my life because now there is iphones which i can carry around that have my phone my games my email and my camera. he also invented the imac which i live on...without him i would be very sad..i miss you steve jobs
~ava :)
He affected my life because he made ipods and i am in love with my ipod!!!! i dont know what i would do without my ipod!!!!!!!! and without itunes i wouldn't have my itunes because i would not be able to have anything on my ipod!!!
Steve was part of my childhood. He invented PIXAR. Those movies were always a part of my life. Apple to. Thanks Steve, RIP....
Steve Jobs effected my life w/technology by giving me music, games, and entertainment.Danny
without him i wouldnt have my laptop or my ipod and without my ipod i wouldnt have music or angry birds!!!! he has totally changed my life!!!
I cannot begin to describe how grateful I am that Steve Jobs was even born!He inventented the iPod, which led to apps, which led to the invention of Angry Birds! If I don't have Angry Birds, I have nothing. Steve Jobs is someone I looked up to because of his success and hope to end up like him. Not dead, but successful.
I cannot begin to describe how grateful I am that Steve Jobs was even born!He inventented the iPod, which led to apps, which led to the invention of Angry Birds! If I don't have Angry Birds, I have nothing. Steve Jobs is someone I looked up to because of his success and hope to end up like him. Not dead, but successful.
Steve Jobs changed my life because I would not have music on my ipod, or games, and enertanment. TREVOR
he made ipods and itunes and you cant have one without the other!!!!!
Steve Jobs was great and i am so happy that he came up with all of this great ideas and made them real and he effected my life because I listen to music that i downloaded to my ipod
Steve Jobs and his products affected my life because if he didnt start the products he made no one would have have smart phones or ipod or any of that stuff.Without him.. the world would be a lot different.
Corndog i would't know because without him nothing would have chagned because he wouldn't be here to make anything that he made therefor erevything would seem nomol
i wonder if steve will have a big parade for his death like Micheal Jackson did?
But i we wouldnt have any touch screens without him
Most things considered even mildy technologicly advance and even things we don't consider advanced have been hugely made by his genius. He has almost single-handedly changed the world into a new technlogical era. It's sad that he died so young. -Daniel
Without Steve Jobs i wouldnt have my laptop working as fast and well. or my touch with all of its apps and songs. and several of my favorite childhood movies wouldnt have been created. leah
i have an ipod and i go on itunes
Corndog let me put this way if we went to a world with no steve jobs their lifes world be nomol to them not to us
Steave JObs has affected my life because i have a ipod that i listen to and i use my family's laptop too.
without steve jobs, shiny technological toys in books would be just that, fictional things in books.
RIP steve jobs
P.S. i wouldnt have my phone laptop or animated movies without him.
he affected my life because my parents would not have phones, we would not have a computer so no internet, and i would not be able to listen to music because i have a i-pod touch
Steve Jobs changed my life because I would not have music on my ipod, or games, and enertanment. TREVOR
without him, we wouldn't have portable music.
i have an ipod and that changed my life!!!THANK U STEVE JOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he affected my life by without him i couldnt text without a phone
he affected my life by making the mp3 player because i love my mp3 player itunes!!!!
i feel sad because he was so smart and died kind of young
R.I.P. Steve Jobs
the tecnolige he made was amazing smartest man alive
apple won't be the same with out him maria
Steve Jobs made a big difference in people lives expecially mine.I wouldnt have the songs that i have on my i pod touch. sbout 2,000 songs . Steve Jobs made a big difference in my life . It is sad to hear that he died. From Cancer too. He has created all this stuff that has changed the way you look at life. I wonder that since he is dead there wont be a i pod touch or i phone 5 or 6. I dont know who would create one. He has created an i pad and a bunch of stufffzz.
he affected my life because if he didnt invent the ipod, ipad, etc my life would be very boring.
he affected my life by because i know now that there will be not as good inventions as there was because hes now dead. also when i get ready for my games i listen to music on my ipod and that was a great invention.
he affected my life by because i know now that there will be not as good inventions as there was because hes now dead. also when i get ready for my games i listen to music on my ipod and that was a great invention.
he affected my life because i run more when i listen too my ipod and i wouldnt have any apps for my ipod if he didnt creaate the apple company thingy
whith out him i would not have my I PAD!!!!!!!!!!1!!!1111!1111111111111!!!!@!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S my grandma has one 2 thEY r amzing
I Wish we could bring him back to life.
i love my new ipod and cant live without it thanks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much steve jobs. i cant belive that you died. i think that you will make a good angel and thans sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for ipods, laptops, and every thing else i realy apecate it, i mean look at all thes people who comented on you YOU and i just cant get anough. i wish i could comunakate with you so i could say," thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and i couldnt liv wthh out you, serouisly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks a bunch!
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