Friday, November 18, 2011


Digital Literacy Classes are embarking on a plethora of activities...

6th grade: Doing research projects, utilizing EASYBIB, and practicing paraphrasing...

7th grade: Creating magazine ads and will start writing and recording their radio commercials using AUDACITY

8th grade: Some students are starting to create videos using Video Pad, some are creating anti-bullying propaganda using Domo Animate, and others are researching and using MyFakeWall to make a synthetic  Facebook page for a person of interest.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Reliable Websites?

What make a website reliable or valid??? Hmmmm....

Is it this one? Save the Endangered Tree Octopus    

Or this one? Year-Round School

You tell me. What are FIVE components of a reliable website?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Power Point Practice

The frenzy of sugar laced lollipops and caramel covered chocolate bars is making students creative juices flow....

We are reviewing the aspects of Powerpoint and creating Persuasive Halloween presentations. 

We are also finding out what constitutes 'good' websites and what makes them reliable or unreliable. 

8th graders are doing research on an unsolved mystery of their choice and will be soon creating short videos using Animoto.